STRONGEST BLOODBOUND BUILD! 726000+ Total Damage! | Dota Underlords Mattjestic Life 52:05 5 years ago 26 826 Далее Скачать
1125%+ BONUS DMG!! Unbeatable Bloodbound Meta Build! | Dota Underlords Mattjestic Life 45:11 5 years ago 14 785 Далее Скачать
1 MILLION Total DMG! Medusa Bloodbound Build! | Dota Underlords Mattjestic Life 48:41 4 years ago 8 872 Далее Скачать
1900+ DPS Godly Juggernaut! 6 Bloodbound 4 Brawny Build! | Dota Underlords Mattjestic Life 36:49 4 years ago 8 505 Далее Скачать
DOUBLE Ogre Cap! Ultimate Bloodbound Dream Build Items! | Dota Underlords Mattjestic Life 37:48 4 years ago 5 654 Далее Скачать
ONE HIT ★★★ LYCAN! Dota Underlords ★★★ BLOODBOUND PA 750%+ DMG Build! Mattjestic Life 43:55 5 years ago 28 216 Далее Скачать
Dota Underlords Guide: Bloodbound Trolls, Warlocks, and Mages Alexander Coccia 4:22 5 years ago 841 Далее Скачать
★★★ RAID BOSS Pudge! Bloodbound Ultimate Size Build! | Dota Underlords Mattjestic Life 31:03 4 years ago 5 075 Далее Скачать
How To Counter Bloodseeker! Bloodbound Brawny Build! | Dota Underlords Mattjestic Life 32:38 4 years ago 3 382 Далее Скачать
66k DAMAGE In ONE TURN! 3★★★TB + Big Time Contract = NEW Blood-Bound Memes! | Dota Underlords Swim 43:53 5 years ago 23 094 Далее Скачать
Fantastic 3 Stars Warlock | Bloodbound Demon Builds | Dota Underlords Strategy SW Gaming 21:18 4 years ago 1 130 Далее Скачать
2500+ ATK ★★★ TERRORBLADE! Epic Savage Bloodbound Challenge! | Dota Underlords Mattjestic Life 41:51 5 years ago 5 303 Далее Скачать
★★★ TERRORBLADE GOD! 3500%+ DMG! Demon Hunter Bloodbound! | Dota Underlords Mattjestic Life 45:41 5 years ago 12 237 Далее Скачать
500% DAMAGE BUFF😱! | Dota Underlords | Blood-bound / Brawny Build Rumblysuperset - Wild Rift 46:11 5 years ago 2 442 Далее Скачать
LEGION BLOOD BOUND Build! Raid Boss Champion Team! | Dota Underlords Mattjestic Life 33:24 4 years ago 5 375 Далее Скачать
#1 BLOODBOUND SHAMAN GUIDE! Level & Re-Roll Timing Explained! | Dota Underlords Mattjestic Life 19:49 5 years ago 3 066 Далее Скачать
EPIC Bloodbound Comeback! Arc Warden + Contract + Tomb! | Dota Underlords Mattjestic Life 44:09 5 years ago 5 518 Далее Скачать
ROUND 17 LEVEL 9!! Meta Breaking Bloodbound Build!| Dota Underlords Mattjestic Life 47:44 5 years ago 11 715 Далее Скачать